Sudi Farokhnia,A Progressive Women Rights Activist

Sudi Farokhnia is a Risk and Audit professional; Co-founder of Iranian American Democrats of California, Elected Delegate to CADEM since 2019, DPOC Central Committee Member, 2020 Elected DNC Delegate CD45, progressive Women Rights activist, a devoted Community Organizer, and Philanthropist.  She is also a member of the Language Accessibility Advisory Committee with the Registrar of Voters in OC.

As an attentive listener and passionate advocate for social justice & gender equality, Sudi prioritizes removing all barriers of voting, promoting Diversity and Inclusion by amplifying the voice of the under-represented communities, advocating for Progressive values, standing up to Hate & Violence (end endless wars that displaces people, especially women and children), cutting military spending, demilitarizing the police, closing private prisons, and holding our elected officials Accountable and Accessible to their constituents.

Her activism started over two decades ago as a Women’s Rights Activist as co-founder of One Million Signature Campaign in California and Iranian Circle of Women in Networking (ICWIN). Advocating against gender apartheid and access to quality education in Iran and Afghanistan continues to be her driving force,

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