Sudi Farokhnia,A Progressive Women Rights Activist

Sudi Farokhnia is a Risk and Audit professional; Co-founder of Iranian American Democrats of California, Elected Delegate to CADEM since 2019, DPOC Central Committee Member, 2020 Elected DNC Delegate CD45, progressive Women Rights activist, a devoted Community Organizer, and Philanthropist.  She is also a member of the Language Accessibility Advisory…

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Abass Alavi , an Iranian-American physician-scientist

Abass Alavi (Persian: عباس علوی) is an Iranian-American physician-scientist specializing in the field of molecular imaging, most notably in the imaging modality of positron emission tomography (PET). In August 1976, he was part of the team that performed the first human PET studies of the brain and whole body using the radiotrace. Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). Alavi holds the…

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Hossein Khorram , An active member of King County Republican Party

Hossein Khorram Hossein Khorram is an active member of King County Republican Party 2020 Trump Campaign Trump Victory Washington State Finance CoChair 2016 Trump Campaign Trump Victory Inc. 2020 Bundler. Host Committee and 2016 Trump Victory Bundler #2138. Helped raise $1,500,000. Founder and the lead on the Trump Campaign Middle…

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