Nayereh Tohidi Ph.D. Iranian Researcher & activist

Nayereh  Tohidi (Persianنیره توحیدی; born 1951) is an Iranian-born American professor, researcher, and academic administrator. Tohidi is a professor emerita and former Chair of Gender and Women’s Studies Department, and the founding director of the Middle Eastern and Islamic studies (from 2011 to 2021) at California State University, Northridge.

She is also a research associate at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where she has  been  coordinating the Bilingual Lecture Series on Iran since 2003.


Her teaching and research areas include sociology of gender,women’s rights, religion (Islam), ethnicity and democracy in the Middle East and post-Soviet Central Eurasia, especially Iran and Azerbaijan.She is the recipient of several grants, fellowships and research awards, including a year of Fulbright lectureship and research at the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan; post-doctoral fellowships at Harvard University;[7] the Hoover Institute of Stanford University; the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; and the Keddie-Balzan Fellowship at the Center for Near Eastern Studies at UCLA.

She has held visiting positions at the University of Iowa, the University of Minnesota, Harvard University, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and the University of Southern California (USC). In 2011, she was awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to develop and launch a program for students to earn minor in Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in California State University, Northridge.

Tohidi’s extensive publications include editorship or authorship of Globalization, Gender and Religion: The Politics of Women’s Rights in Catholic and Muslim ContextsWomen in Muslim Societies: Diversity within Unity; and Feminism, Democracy and Islamism in Iran. Her work has appeared in several academic and policy-related journals such as Psychologof Sex Roles; Feminist Studies in Religion; Social Research; Middles East Studies Association; Iranian Studies; Nimeye Digar; Azadi Andisheh; Iran Nameh; Rahavard; and Ms. magazine.




  • Feminism, Demokracy ve Islamgarayi (English: Feminism, Democracy and Islamism in Iran) (1996) [in Persian] (Los Angeles, CA: Ketab Sara Co., 1996; reprinted in Iran, 1998).

Selected articles

  • Selected Articles/Book Chapters:
    Tohidi, N. “Iran in a Transformative Process by Woman, Life, Freedom,” Freedom of Thought Journal,
    Summer 2023, No. 13, 29-57DOI:© 2023The Association for Freedom of Thought
    “Irán en transición [Iran in Transition],” afkar/ideas, European Institute of the Mediterranean, no. 68
    (2023): 22-26. Nayereh Tohidi, “L’Iran en transition [Iran in Transition],” afkar/ideas, European Institute
    of the Mediterranean, no. 68 (2023): 22-26.
    Tohidi, N. 2019. “Women and 40 Years of Islamic Rule in Iran”2, July 2019 (in German and Persian):
    Tohidi, N. 2017. “The Women’s Movement and Feminism in Iran: Revisiting a “Glocal” Perspective,” in
    Women’s Movements in the Global Era, edited by Amrita Basu (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2017),
    397- 442.
    Tohidi, N. 2017. “An Interview on Feminist Ethics and Theory with Judith Butler,” in the Journal of
    Middle East Women's Studies (2017) 13 (3): 461-468.
    Published: November 01 2017:
    Tohidi, Nayereh. 2016. “The Women's Rights Movement and Feminism in Post-Islamist Iran.” SUR 24-,
    v. 13 n.24: Pp 75-89, 2016.
    Tohidi, Nayereh, 2009. “Ethnic and Religious Minority Politics in Contemporary Iran” In Contemporary
    Iran, edited by Ali Gheissari (London & NY: Oxford University Press, 2009), 299-323.
    Tohidi, N. “The Ethnic Dimensions of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Iran” [Abaad
    qowmi mashroutiyat va democracy dar Iran] in Rahavard (A Persian/English Journal of
    Iranian Studies), No. 103, Summer 2013 (1392): 84-99;
    Tohidi, N. 2006. “Islamic Feminism”: Negotiating Patriarchy and Modernity in Iran – in The Blackwell
    Companion to Contemporary Islamic Thought, Edited by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabi', Chapter 35, First
    published: 01 January 2006, Wiley Online Library,, N. “Iran: les femmes dans la politique” in afkar/idées: Revue trimestrielle pour le dialogue entre
    le Maghreb, ľ Espagne et ľ Europe, No. 23, automne 2009, pp. 42–46.
    Tohidi, N. “Women and the Presidential Elections: Iran’s New Political Culture” in Informed Comment,
    September 3, 2009

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