Elahe Amani , A renowned gender, peace, and human rights activist

Elahe Amani is a renowned gender, peace, and human rights activist with over three decades of experience. She has served California State University System in various capacities, including Director of Student and Academic Technology Services, Lecturer in Women’s Studies Program, and Deputy Director of Title IX.
Elahe has been a dedicated advocate for women’s rights, attending key global conferences, including the 4th UN Women Conferences and all Commission on the Status of Women sessions since 1995.
She has presented papers, briefed the UN Human Rights Council, and played a pivotal role in coalition-building among women’s NGOs in Kabul.
Elahe is President/Chair of Women’s Intercultural Network (WIN) and a founder of the Iranian Circle of WIN (ICWIN).
She is one of the senior trainer of Mediators Beyond Borders  on gender and mediation and on the board of National Association of Community Mediation. A prolific writer, Elahe has published numerous articles in English and Persian on issues related to peace, justice, women, and human rights, and is the editor of the women’s section of the monthly Khat Solh, the publication of human rights defender in Iran.