Amir Taheri,A proud Iranian Legendary Journalist

Amir Taheri
Chairman, Gatestone Europe

Amir Taheri was born in Iran and educated in Tehran, London and Paris. From 1984 to 1987 he was editor-in-chief of Jeune Afrique, the French weekly specializing in Africa. Between 1980 and 1984 he was Middle East editor for the London Sunday Times.

He also wrote for the daily Times and contributed to The Daily TelegraphThe Guardian, and the Daily Mail among other leading British publications. Between 1972 and 1979 he was executive editor-in-chief of Kayhan, Iran’s main daily newspaper. He has been a columnist for the pan-Arab daily Asharq Alawsat and its sister daily Arab News since 1987. Taheri has been a contributor to the International Herald Tribune since 1980. He has also written for The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Newsday, and The Washington Post. Between 1989 and 1995 Taheri was editorial writer for the German daily Die Welt. He has also written for other publications including Der Spiegel, Die Zeit, Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung, La Repubblica, L’Express, Politique Internationale, Le Nouvel Observateur, and El Mundo in Spain. Currently he is a contributor to the German weekly Focus. Taheri has published nine books. In 1988 Publishers’ Weekly in New York chose his study of Islamist terrorism, Holy Terror, as one of The Best Books of The Year.

Writings by Amir Taheri

Title Date
One War and Two Visions 2024/01/14
Gaza War: It isn’t Over Until it is Over 2024/01/07
2024: Where Does the Pendulum Swing? 2023/12/31
This Was Mine: Disputes as Old as History 2023/12/24
Global Warming and ‘Big Bad Oil’ 2023/12/17
A Symphonic Version of Terror 2023/12/10
Ukraine: The Decimation Point 2023/12/03
Don’t Dismiss Trump II 2023/11/26
France: A Tale of Two Demos 2023/11/19
Anatomy of a Paris Demo 2023/11/12
War Isn’t What It Used to Be 2023/11/05
Hamas and the Ruse That May Be Its Last 2023/10/29
Palestine: A Cause or a State? 2023/10/22
Hamas and Israel: What Next? 2023/10/15
The Ayatollah’s Plan for Israel and Palestine 2023/10/08
Immigration: Europe’s New Wedge Issue 2023/10/08
From Oligarchs to Plutocrats 2023/10/01
Africa: Carving the Golden Goose 2023/09/24
Iran: Presenting a New Image 2023/09/17
From Kublai to Xi: Old and New Silk Road 2023/09/10
Democracy and the Crisis of Authority 2023/09/03
Syria: Orphan in News Headlines 2023/08/27
Brexit: Lottery as Politics 2023/08/20
The We’ve Got to Do Something Syndrome 2023/08/13
The Left: What Is Left of It? 2023/08/06
Iran: With Friends Like That 2023/07/30
Ukraine: A Way Out of the Impasse? 2023/07/23
Iran: The Greenback Curse 2023/07/16
French Malaise Strikes Again 2023/07/09
Anatomy of a Very Russian Affair 2023/07/02
The Myth of End of Oil and Regime Change 2023/06/25
The Two-Headed Russian Eagle at War 2023/06/18
Iraq and Tehran’s Illusions 2023/06/11
Iran: Heroic Flexibility Returns 2023/06/04
Turkey: What Would Father Say? 2023/05/28
Mariupol: A Year Later 2023/05/21
Iran: Replacing Khomeini with Clinton 2023/05/14
Iran: Unhappy Workers 2023/05/07
Iran and Its Culture War 2023/04/30
Another Crisis in Spookdom 2023/04/23
Iran: The Dollarization Temptation 2023/04/16
Türkiye: Waiting for Spring 2023/04/09
The French Model: Another Crisis 2023/04/02
Iran and the Changing of Course! 2023/03/26
Do Babies Still Win Wars? 2023/03/19
The West, The Rest and The Great Everywhere 2023/03/05
The Republic of Fear: 20 Years After 2023/02/26
Ukraine: The Unintended Consequences 2023/02/19
Syria: The War Has Not Ended 2023/02/12
Iran: Selling Family Jewels to Buy Loyalty 2023/02/05
Iran: Great Replacement Ahead? 2023/01/29
Ukraine: Waiting for the Stinger Moment 2023/01/22
The Question That Khamenei Faces 2023/01/15
Netanyahu: The Unexpected Moderate 2023/01/08
Iran: A Model or a Warning? 2023/01/01
Ukraine: A Recipe for Appeasement 2022/12/25
Global Prospects: A German View 2022/12/18
Iran: Protests and Paralysis 2022/12/11
Islamic Socrates, or a Prankster? 2022/12/04
Tehran Dangles the Samson Option Again 2022/11/27
Old Iranian Slogan Conquers the World 2022/11/20
Iran: Looking for a Booted Savior 2022/11/13
Iran: Old Recipes From the Devil’s Kitchen 2022/11/06
Killing the Leviathan with a Thousand Cuts 2022/10/30
What Iranians Want From Washington 2022/10/23
Iran: Freedom-Lovers Win a Round 2022/10/16
China: The Immovable Supreme Leader 2022/10/09
Iran: The Chained Volcano 2022/10/02
The Golden Road to Samarkand 2022/09/25
Why is Tehran Beating the War Drum? 2022/09/18
How the West Built a Russian Enemy 2022/09/11
Macron’s Pessimistic Moment 2022/09/04
Tehran Debates the Bomb 2022/08/28
Turkey and the German Dream 2022/08/21
A Dangerous Triple Fantasy 2022/08/14
Putin’s Threshold of Pain 2022/08/07
Biden and the Masochistic Nail 2022/07/31
Putin’s Imaginary World Order 2022/07/24
Boris of Britain: What Went Wrong? 2022/07/17
Ukraine War: Unified Command Needed 2022/07/10
The Ayatollah’s Model for the World 2022/07/03
Putin: From Frank Sinatra to Leonid Brezhnev 2022/06/26
A War That Could Change the World 2022/06/19
The ‘Disease’ Putin Brought Back 2022/06/12
Iran: Towards a Summer of Discontent 2022/06/05
Russia: Lone Wolf of the Steppes 2022/05/29
Lebanon Gives Tehran a Double Whammy 2022/05/22
Lebanese Election and the Broken Oar 2022/05/15
Perils of Putin’s Victory Parade 2022/05/08
French Elections: The Bad And The Not So Bad 2022/05/01
France: A Leap into the Unknown? 2022/04/24
The Middle East: An American Vision 2022/04/20
Imran Khan: A Collateral Victim of Putin 2022/04/17
Points that Putin Apologists Miss 2022/04/10
How Putin Misunderstood Rumsfeld 2022/04/03
From Guernica to Mariupol 2022/03/27
Putin’s War: The Next Phase 2022/03/20
Putin and His One-Man War 2022/03/13
Putin and the Law of Unintended Consequences 2022/03/06
First Round to Putin, What Next? 2022/02/27
France and its Specter 2022/02/20
Putin’s Game between Friend and Foe 2022/02/13
Mischief on Life Support Machine 2022/02/06
Russia and Ukraine: The Sword and the Shield 2022/01/30
Two Questions about the Vienna Charade 2022/01/23
Kazakhstan: Echoes of the Autumn of Sorrows 2022/01/16
World Order: Back to the Future 2022/01/09
The Mystery Man of Sanaa 2022/01/02
Yesterday’s Treaty and Tomorrow’s Threats 2021/12/26
The West and Its Old Illusion 2021/12/19
Iran: Exporting Oil or Revolution? 2021/12/12
Biden’s Doppelganger for the UN 2021/12/05
Who Keeps Iran Out in the Cold? 2021/11/28
Wounds With a Russian Knife in Them 2021/11/21
France: Nationalism Makes a Comeback 2021/11/14
New Team and New Fears in Tehran 2021/11/07
China: A Dicey Ideological Shift 2021/10/31
Syria: Geopolitical Tragedy 2021/10/24
The General’s Second Death in Baghdad 2021/10/17
Iran: When Preconditions Disappear 2021/10/10
Prowler Preaching Neighborliness 2021/10/03
Iran Switching to a New Illusion 2021/09/26
War on Terror: Not a Bad Record 2021/09/19
In Tehran Much Talk of Talks 2021/09/12
Dealing with Taliban: It’s Urgent to Wait 2021/09/05
Biden’s Travel Agency in Kabul 2021/08/29
Night Falls on Afghanistan: Again 2021/08/22
Iran and Its Two Damaged Wings 2021/08/15
Lebanon and its Ticking Bombs 2021/08/08
Iran and the Divisive Rule of the Mullah 2021/08/01
Biden Needs a Long Spoon in Vienna 2021/07/25
America is Back: What Did it Do? 2021/07/18
Taliban on the Way to Kabul? Not so Fast…. 2021/07/11
China: A Colossus with a Foot of Clay 2021/07/04
Iran: Black Turban Follows White Turban 2021/06/27
China: The Elephant in that Room in Cornwall 2021/06/20
Biden and Putin in G7 and a Half 2021/06/13
Biden and the Ayatollah’s Game Plan 2021/06/06
Blinken and a Repeat of ‘Eyeless in Gaza’ Saga 2021/05/30
Iran: 10 Characters in Search of a Protector 2021/05/23
Biden and Iran: Temptation to Save the Zombie 2021/05/16
The G7 and Its Dicey Clichés 2021/05/09
A Palestinian State: What Would Ben Gurion Have Said? 2021/05/02
Beware of Cut-and-Run in Afghanistan 2021/04/25
Posturing is No Policy on Iran 2021/04/18
Iran: Between Illusion and Reality 2021/04/11
Between Despair and Presumption a Reporter’s Dilemma 2021/04/04
US, China, Russia and Thucydides Trap 2021/03/29
Debate in Iranian Circles 2021/03/21
The Game that Left Iran in Historic Impasse 2021/03/14
Biden Should Ditch the Doha Deal with Taliban 2021/03/07
Cinderella Province in a Rebellious Mood 2021/02/28
The Iran Mediation Bazaar 2021/02/21
Ghosts that Haunt President Biden 2021/02/14
The Mysteries of the Trump Impeachment Remake 2021/02/07
New Team in Washington: Beyond Tokenism 2021/01/31
Tehran’s Presidential Show: A Game of Exclusions 2021/01/24
Washington Riot and ‘End of America’ Crowd 2021/01/17
Marx, Heidegger and the Crocodile 2021/01/10
A New Year: Better or Less Bad? 2021/01/03
The Joys of Paris in Coronavirus Days 2020/12/27
The Biden Parenthesis Opens 2020/12/20
Tehran Should Ask ‘Then What?’ 2020/12/13
Is Tehran Building a Devil’s Kitchen? 2020/12/06
The Otherness of a Closet Collectivist 2020/11/29
Caucasus: Clash of Imperial Dreams 2020/11/22
The US Elections: An Episode in a Cultural War 2020/11/15
Turkey: The Return of Demons 2020/11/08
US Elections: The Unasked Questions 2020/11/01
American Election: Endgame for Party System? 2020/10/25
One War and Six Losers 2020/10/18
Yes it Hurts, No it Doesn’t 2020/10/11
Why Colorful View of American Politics Is Wrong 2020/10/04
The ‘Nevertheless’ Club and the World 2020/09/27
Trump and Nobel Prize: Make Deals Not War 2020/09/20
The Threat of Orphan States to World Order 2020/09/13
The French Wish List for Lebanon 2020/08/30
A Slippery Patch in World Affairs 2020/08/23
Iran: Self-Harming with Anti-Americanism 2020/08/16
When Memory Becomes a Prison of Nations 2020/08/09
Iran’s New Make-believe Diplomacy 2020/07/26
Curse Him, Then Copy Him 2020/07/19
Rage Produces Much Heat but Little Light 2020/07/12
For a Politically Corrected Paris 2020/07/05
Slavery: Is there a Monopoly of Suffering? 2020/06/28
Uses of a Cocktail of Grievances 2020/06/21
Powers Play with Fire in Libya 2020/06/14
Return of Nation-States Need Not be a Threat 2020/06/07
China is Sending Mixed Signals 2020/05/31
The Supreme Leader’s New Tom and Jerry Sequence 2020/05/24
Mullahs’ Missiles Kill Iranians but Can’t Defend Iran 2020/05/17
Lebanese Zugzwang and Harlequin’s Choice 2020/05/10
Mullahs Threaten Trump with October Surprise 2020/05/03
Coronavirus Crisis: China Isn’t Going to Win 2020/04/26
Iran May Need an ‘America Free’ Day 2020/04/19
The Pitfalls of a Shady Peace in Afghanistan 2020/04/12
Who Eats the Cake in Tehran? 2020/04/05
Uncertainty in a Bleak Moment 2020/03/29
The Coronavirus: Death of Globalization or a Rebirth? 2020/03/22
Dealing with Coronavirus Reveals Cultural Differences 2020/03/15
Iran: The Train Hits Something Hard 2020/03/08
Iran Elections: The Least Bad Outcome 2020/03/01
Iran: the Masks of Jefferson and Attila 2020/02/23
Ouyar Hassan Invited to the Polls… Again 2020/02/16
A Man of a Thousand Faces Wears a New Mask 2020/02/09
Tehran’s Chinese Dream Can’t Replace its Nightmare 2020/02/02
Tehran and its Three Fantasies 2020/01/26
Iran: Why the Old Recipe Does Not Work 2020/01/19
The General’s Death Upsets Iran’s Plan 2020/01/12
Foes Can’t Beat Him with Caricatures 2020/01/05
An Interesting Year Comes to an End 2019/12/29
Britain: Flushing Out the Corbynista 2019/12/22
Despots of the Square-Kilometer Empires 2019/12/15
The Mullahs’ Losing Game 2019/12/08
Iran: Between Samson and Samsung 2019/12/01
Iran and the Ayatollah’s Fake Suicide-Belt 2019/11/24
Old Tricks and the Iraqi Genie 2019/11/17
The High Risks of Soleimani’s Solution for Iraq 2019/11/10
In Middle East: Pull Down Facades 2019/11/03
Why Soleimani Misreads Lebanon 2019/10/27
The Real Cost of Turkey’s Kurdish Obsession 2019/10/20
The Hat, the Turban and the Cap: Which Can Save the Mullahs? 2019/10/06
Tehran’s ‘We Did, We Didn’t’ Game 2019/09/29
When Negotiation Is Impossible and War Is Unnecessary 2019/09/22
Russia: Dreaming of a Return to the West 2019/09/15
Moscow Divided Between Two Proverbs 2019/09/08
Trump and the Deceiving of Mullahs 2019/09/01
Biarritz Summit: Bright Moment in Silly Season 2019/08/25
Could this Be the Year of Persian Poetry? 2019/08/18
Putin and the Mullahs 2019/08/11
Iran: Flogging a Dead Donkey Is Futile 2019/08/04
How Tehran Tries to Drown the Fish 2019/07/28
An English Misunderstanding of Iran 2019/07/26
Iran’s Trojan Army Faces Challenge in Iraq 2019/07/21
Erdogan and the Wisdom of Timely Exit 2019/07/14
Trump’s Iran Sanctions Face Seven Fallacies 2019/07/07
The ‘Cat-And-Mouse’ World of the Ayatollah 2019/06/30
The Death of Iran’s Japanese Dream 2019/06/23
Diplomatic Gesticulations Won’t Solve the Iran Problem 2019/06/16
Iran and the American Forbidden Fruit 2019/06/09
The Books He Loved but Others Shouldn’t Read 2019/06/04
What Is Bernie Sanders Worried About? 2019/06/02
Iran’s Options and the Destructive Defiance 2019/05/26
Tehran Apologists Should Change Their Tune 2019/05/19
Europe’s Three Concerns About Iran 2019/05/12
Iran and a Tale of Two Losers 2019/05/05
From Khartoum to Tehran: Graveyard of Forlorn Hopes 2019/04/28
When the Ayatollah Plays His Joker 2019/04/21
Iran: The Ventriloquist Dummy’s New Lexicon 2019/04/14
The Floods, the Mullahs and the Cinderella in Boots 2019/04/07
Brexit’s Message to European Union 2019/03/31
Mullahs and the English Opium-Eater 2019/03/24
Common Causes of Three Crises in Three Continents 2019/03/17
Mullahs Pushed Off the Gravy Train 2019/03/10
Putin to Join the Mullahs’ Deception Club 2019/02/24
Mullahs Masquerading as Patriots: Will it Work? 2019/02/17
Syria: French Count Returns as Russian Apparatchik 2019/02/10
Why Tehran Crosses Only ‘Pink Lines’ 2019/02/03
Trump: In Third Year with Three Charges 2019/01/27
France: I Am Angry, Therefore I Am 2019/01/20
Trump and a World Without Gary Cooper 2019/01/13
Iran’s Schizophrenia Heats Up the Debate 2019/01/06
The Growing Poverty of Political Debate 2018/12/30
Why Trump Can’t Be Airbrushed Out of the Picture 2018/12/23
Iran: Toward a Plan B 2018/12/19
The Canary in the French Mine 2018/12/16
In Iran: The Past is a Foreign Country 2018/07/30
Iran: Khamenei’s New Poem – Pure Wine and Deadly Poison 2018/07/25
Donald Trump and the Carl Schmitt Spectrum 2018/07/22
Why Khamenei Can’t Do a Kim Jong-Un 2018/07/15
Iran: The Ayatollah’s Promised Paradise 2018/07/08
Why Turkey Will Not Be Another Iran 2018/07/02
The Bazaaris’ Revolt in Iran: Who is Behind It? 2018/07/01
How Tehran Lobbyists Mislead Opinion in the West 2018/06/28
Iraq: The Banker, the Mullah, the Militia and the Cook 2018/06/24
The Turkish Race 2018/06/17
Putin and Lessons from Lenin and Gromyko 2018/06/10
The Mullahs and the Tale of a Betrayal 2018/06/03
Tehran Divided on Pompeo’s Wish-List 2018/05/28
Imaginary War Serving False Peace 2018/05/27
Hitler and Reza Shah: Mullahs and Pro-Israel Writers Sing Together 2018/05/22
Iraqi Election Opens New Chapter 2018/05/20
Iraq Election: Weak Government, Strong Society 2018/05/11
Iran, Macromel and the Purloined Letter 2018/05/06
Lessons of the Afgantsy for the Syrians 2018/04/29
Syria: The Defining Issue of Our Generation 2018/04/22
Europe, Trump and the Iran Deal 2018/04/15
Syria: The Putin-Erdogan Summit Was a Missed Opportunity 2018/04/08
Trump and the Fading Ghost of an Illusion 2018/04/01
The Real Cost of Afrin 2018/03/25
The Boy From Petersburg Who Became The Man From Moscow 2018/03/18
Iran: The French Soufflé Fails to Rise 2018/03/11
Trump the Deal-maker and the Middle East 2018/03/04
Iraq: An Election of Conflicting Interests 2018/02/25
Syria: Looking for Ways out of the Maze 2018/02/18
Iran: Speaking Swedish, Acting North Korean 2018/02/11
Trump, the Ayatollah and the Wizard of Oz 2018/02/04
Turkey: No Longer a Friend but Not a Foe 2018/01/28
Iran Nuclear Problem Must Be Re-Visited 2018/01/20
Iran: Anatomy of a National Revolt 2018/01/15
Behind the Latest Protests in Iran 2018/01/07
The Year of The Rohingya 2017/12/31
Corruption: Mideast’s Political Gangrene 2017/12/24
Where Russian and Iranian Aircraft Carriers Clash 2017/12/17
The Mullahs Overplay the Military Card 2017/12/10
Progress and History in Zigzag 2017/12/03
Lebanon: Is Cheat-and-Retreat Back on the Menu? 2017/11/26
The Usual Suspects and a New Method 2017/11/19
How Iran Tried to Turn Arab States into Fading Ghosts 2017/11/12
Iran and ‘The Great Satan’: A Four-Decade-Old Saga 2017/11/05
China Unveils Leadership Ambition 2017/10/29
The Iran Deal: The Dog’s Dinner Obama Dished Out 2017/10/22
China: Reshuffling the Party Cadres 2017/10/15
Kurdish Secession and Mysteries of Identity 2017/10/08
Kurdish Referendum: What is the Lowdown? 2017/10/01
The Kurdish Referendum Imbroglio 2017/09/24
Why Iran’s Plan in Syria Will Fail 2017/09/17
North Korea: The Kims’ Cheat and Retreat Game 2017/09/10
Syria: Elections Gambit to Get Russia Off the Hook 2017/09/06
Khomeini or Kim? Khamenei’s Real Teacher 2017/09/03
A Grim Portrayal of Syria at War 2017/09/03
Puffing the Turkish Chibouk in Ankara 2017/08/27
Kissinger’s Analysis of Mideast is Full of Loopholes 2017/08/20
While Trump Tweets, the ‘Cold Monster’ Returns 2017/08/13
Britain, Brexit and the Spirit of Dunkirk 2017/08/06
Tehran’s New Scheme for Iraq 2017/07/31
Russia Woos the World with New Plan on Syria 2017/07/30
Trump Kicks the Iranian ‘Can’ Down the Road 2017/07/23
The Modernization of Middle East is a Sight to See 2017/07/16
After Mosul: Iraq Faces Three Challenges 2017/07/11
Rouhani and Trump: Together against Iran’s Men with Guns? 2017/07/09
Tsar Vladimir and His 40 Daughters 2017/07/03
To the UN and UNESCO: Don’t Try to Fence Us In! 2016/06/28
Syria: Checkered Past, Uncertain Future 2016/02/10
The United States and Islam: What Is Going On? 2015/12/22
Iran: Poets Face 99 Lashes and Prison 2015/11/09
Obama Will Be the Only Person Sticking to Iran Deal 2015/10/12
The Ayatollah’s Plan for Israel and Palestine 2015/07/31
France, the West and the Islamist Challenge 2015/04/07
Iran and Germany: A 100-Year Old Love Affair 2014/07/31
What Palestinians Want 2009/04/21
The ‘Dark Horse’ Enters the Race 2009/03/25
Iran: Waiting for the “Fish-Tail” Report 2009/02/25
Hamas in Context 2009/01/26
Hamas in Context                                                                                      2009/01/14

Gaza: Regional Choices

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